Issue 8 | SCO Spring/Summer 2024 Issue 8 | Page 3

Letter from the Editor

Pivoting in a Changing Landscape

Melanie Millar Editor in Chief
Pivot . The word conjures up many ideas . Flexibility . Sharp turns . If you are of a certain generation , the word may bring a chuckle as you remember an iconic scene from a sitcom from the 1990s to the early 2000 ’ s . One of the characters is directing his friends to carry a sofa up a steep flight of stairs , all while shouting “ PIVOT ! PIV- OT !” This may not feel so different for leaders today trying to get their organization to adjust and change as the market or landscape fluctuates . Supply chains across all verticals have had to experience major pivots in the last few years — none more so than those in the healthcare industry .
This new issue brings you insights from a wide range of supply chain perspectives , across different areas of the care setting . The topics cover views on leadership , partnership , collaboration and change management , and others .
Learn how diversity in perspectives can positively impact supply chain organizations from some top female leaders in the industry .
Read insights from a top leader at one of the largest IDNs in the US and how he has built partnerships and broken down barriers organizationally to improve and enhance the idea of a more clinically integrated supply network .
You will hear from lab experts and the issues that keep them up at night , including everything from technology to staffing .
We bring some clinical perspective on how specific strategies — from standardized products and processes , cross training , and flexible staffing and scheduling — can help to decrease rates of errors of omission .
Cover Image : PM Images / DigitalVision via Getty Images ; Bernd Vogel / Stone via Getty Images
In case you missed great stories from our previous issue , click and subscribe at medline . com / supply-chain / sco-magazine
Additionally , there are great stories about the benefits of optimizing the perioperative area around inventory management , including par optimization , effective product substitution and pack usage .
Finally , learn how key vendor partnerships can benefit and improve inventory management goals , service levels and , ultimately , patient care .
This issue reflects all the places within organizations from leadership to departmental heads to clinical perspectives that are all looking for ways to improve , change , and pivot under an increasingly challenging landscape .
A special thanks to the editorial staff for writing , creating , and designing this fresh new look for all of you . Please enjoy this spring / summer issue of SCO Magazine .
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